URBANDRAW is the new visualisation method to generate ideas to improve urban spaces in town centres

URBANDRAW will produce a series of propositional drawings to show how existing spaces in town centres such as High Streets, Town Squares, other public link areas and redundant, forgotten spaces can be enhanced with design applications to improve, enhance and regenerate environments for new uses and public engagement.

URBANDRAW came from the concept of an ‘urbanbank’  of participatory ideas, from a variety of stakeholders, to find common aims and objectives, that could manage and  share new ideas for future development for the overall benefit of everyone in particular towns.


Business, retail, commerce, education, transport, public realm organisations could all invest broad based thinking to provide a new focus on urban regeneration and re-establish a positive  vibe or ethos for working together to achieve future prosperity.

KIRKCALDY, a post industrial town in Fife, will be the case study focus for the URBANDRAW project.  Comparable studies from other urban initiatives will be included to show the potential of future thinking and change dynamics.